6 Reasons to call Nobius 1/6
New today is #Zabbix version 6.
You can call Nobius of course, but to celebrate this milestone in their software lifecycle, we thought we’d show the value of solutions based on it.
To do that we’ve brought together 6 dimensions of that value
We’ll explain 1 of them each day for the next 6 days, to give you chance to absorb and reflect on each of them.
My blog image gives you a taste of the whole picture but you don’t HAVE to wait until all 6 have been posted to call us, we’re always ready to discuss your issues, requirements, timing, budget, and objectives. Any time.
I’ll go into detail here on the 1st of the 6 posts which explains who Nobius is and our relationship with Zabbix itself and why we believe Zabbix v6 is so full of value.
Zabbix in the UK
Nobius is the 1st Zabbix certified partner in the UK, another good reason to call Nobius.
Partners certified by Zabbix are experts with their software, so all our staff are certified ZCS and ZCP.
We sell and deliver standard Zabbix services, support contracts, consulting delivered by Zabbix experts as well as our own, and seats on standard training in the UK.
Reference Architectures
We also host Zabbix installations on your own premises or in private and public cloud, AWS, Azure and more.
Cloud vendors try to make everything seem painless for subscribers.
The truth is they can become convoluted and very expensive very quickly if you don’t watch out.
We developed cloud hosted reference architectures to facilitate fast rollout and reduce errors.
We’d be happy to discuss this with you.
For a while now there’s been a lot of buzz around IoT, the internet of things.
Its all about connected devices.
When something is connected to the internet we can monitor it, However we only should when it provides useful context.
#Nobius has experience integrating with sensors and systems that exploit them such as HVAC, pumps, fans and complete Building Management Systems.
Yes, Nobius extends Zabbix based monitoring beyond IT devices.
And why wouldn’t you?
Anything that could impact business and users should be monitored.
Is user productivity important to you?
Making sure their environment is safe and comfortable is as important as making sure they can connect to IT resources and service customers.
Our IoT architectures make those extensions easier.
See our IoT Flyer for more details .
Cameras and Surveillance
Do you have cameras?
Maybe your business is based on services around them.
They are usually connected either directly to a network, or to device managers such as DVR/NVR and VMS systems.
If their storage is running out those important images won’t be streamed and stored.
If the camera times are wrong, then finding the right images using a timestamp will become a real chore.
Camera tampering, motion detection, facial recognition and other powerful intelligent functions are all managed by the vendor’s or VMS systems.
Thus the health, availability, performance, connectivity of those are vital too.
#Nobius has developed numerous architectures to monitor a variety of multi vendor devices of this kind using license-free Zabbix.
ITSM with SolvIT
We’re also ITIL certified so we know a great deal about IT itself and the services needed to keep the business running and satisfied.
Yet we know that help desk software can quickly run the IT bill up.
It led us to create SolvIT.
It’s a new solution that integrates license-free monitoring with extremely low cost help desk software InvictaDesk. Its a perfect lightweight solution for IT operations teams, and doesn’t carry all the heavyweight features that large systems often do.
It manages incidents creating tickets and offers bi-directional ticket handling so only the right tickets are dealt with.
Ask us about SolvIT and see our flyer.
Call Nobius, we can help
If you’re already using older versions, consider contacting us to help you migrate.
If you’re not then it doesn’t take much to start using this most powerful, license-free software !!!
Your costs will plummet
It’s enterprise grade software meaning its stable, reliable, has scalability, high performance with distributed monitoring, and its secure.
Its also integrated with practically all popular software you may use for ITSM, collaboration, containers, automation, help desk and so much more.
See them here
Yes Zabbix 6 is an amazing software package, incredible license free value.
And now Nobius provides you with amazing hosted services that get you up and running fast and will suit your budget.
Explore what’s new in Zabbix 6.0 LTS: https://zabbix.com/whats_new_6_0
Call Nobius or reach out to info@Nobius.co.uk and see our introductory video
Learn who Nobius has already provided value to.
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