Welcome to our Nobius Support Process
We hope this new process will help you gain prompt service when we can’t be reached.
Need a pit stop? Isn’t it great to know there’s a team to rely on.
At Nobius we do our best to serve you, but inevitably there will be times when we’re not online.
No fear we will be close at hand. We’re probably serving your peers working on their projects, handling their issues, innovating and of course learning.
Nobius Online Support Process
What is it?
The way to submit issues and change requests to us, manage those you’ve already made, and search for answers and information. We’ve created short videos below for a quick step guide to using it.
How does it work?
You register for an account to gain access via a user name and password.
Then you can submit requests via two methods
Send email to support@nobius.co.uk
or sign in, submit your request, list others and optionally attach files and images.
You will receive email confirmation with your ticket number, an assignee from our support team will be in touch.
As our staff progress your request, you will receive email indication with their responses which are also included in the ticket itself. See them in the portal, examine your tickets, change the priority, add responses, files etc.
You can also access to a Knowledge base for self-help.
Please be patient as we add more content to this.
Access Nobius support here and you should see this sign-in portal.
Only Nobius customers are allowed access.
Contact support@nobius.co.uk to register
Click on the image to go there now
Our short videos will help you get started.

Create a ticket
You can have up to 5 tickets open simultaneously. Each is allocated a random reference number, you can attach files and select priority.
Request changes to configurations that we manage for you, or address an issue you’ve found
Click the button below to learn more

List your tickets
Return to see them, see actions taken and add yours.
If our agents need more information you’ll get emails and anything related to the ticket is automatically stored in it.
Simply login in again and consult the one concerned.
Click the button below to learn more

Modify your tickets
Choose from your list and change the fields OR click on the “Edit” button. to change the ticket’s priority. Our agent will be informed of changes. Post replies, add more details, attach more files, all in the reply section.
Click the button below to learn more

Delete a ticket
Think carefully before you do this
Deleted tickets are deleted. Gone. Kaput. Dead. Erased. Cancelled. Wiped out. Resting in the great ticket system in the sky. They are ex-Tickets.
Click the button below to learn more

Search for answers
Our Knowledge Base contains numerous “how to” notes with valuable guidance to help you solve issues and stay informed on Zabbix features and monitorinig.
Click the button below to learn more

Nobius privileges Open Source software wherever possible. Our new help desk is no exception as it’s based on osTicket to provide our customers with a simple but effective help desk system that has been adopted by 15k businesses with >5M users is. A fair endorsement we think.
Click the button below to learn more
Frequently Asked Questions
I can't create a ticket?
There may be several reasons.
– you must register to have an account and use those details to sign in and then create a ticket,
– you may have reached the limit of open tickets / user / customer.
– ticket creation may have been locked, contact support@nobius.co.uk if this is indicvated
– have you set your password correctly. Make a request to change it if in doubt.
– you will be locked out after 4 failed login attempts. Contact us if this arises.
Nobius support allows 5 simultaneously open tickets per user.
A customer support contract may also restrict the # of open tickets allwoed per account.
Close your tickets as soon as you have a resolution to your requests.
How long will it take for Nobius to respond?
The normal SLA for responses is 24 hours.
When you create a ticket you may indicate its priority to you and your business, low/medium/high/emergency.
Nobius support agents are informed of all new tickets regardles sof their priority.
Can I attach files to help show the issue?
That’s nearly always going to be useful to qualify the issue.
You may attach up to 3 files per ticket 16MB maximum per file
Those files can be images such as screenshots, log files, pdf files etc.
How will I know if my ticket is active & advances?
When you arrive at the portal you may request ticket status and see the latest information.
As soon as we receive your new ticket you should receive an automatic response such as “A request for support has been created and assigned #5XXXXXX. A representative will follow-up with you as soon as possible. You can view this ticket’s progress online. “
We recommend you keep this email to refer to later on. and as a record of your opened tickets.
Click the link provided above to see the ticket’s progress.
When he is assigned to the ticket our agent will see your email address and will respond with status information which is both sent to you via email and recorded in the ticket itself.
Watch your emails for status changes.